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A Woman of Dignity & Grace

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Miguel Pinero

I blindly picked a movie from the Netflix Que- Pinero within the first five seconds of the film I Googled his name cause at that moment I felt the life and connection from him. A writer he was and his stuff was good- he was also a junkie, a thief and an ex-con- which all made him a better writer. Writers have to write what you know; that's when it's good and flows through your veins to paper- that's good shit. He also co founded the Nuyorican's Poets Cafe (of course LES). Nuyorican's

It was about a true story of the late Latino poet-playwright-actor Miguel Pinero, whose creative and turbulent life was cut short at the age of 40. His
life was a study in contrasts: a Tony Award nominee who did time at Sing-Sing, a volatile urban poet whose work is recognized as a precursor to rap and hip-hop, and a writer of hit TV shows

Like everything in life - I select this DVD for a reason. I'm inspired to add him to my 50 books to read this year( I'll provide and update soon) He was good - very good!!

I'm inspired...

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