About Me

A Woman of Dignity & Grace

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why do You walk?

So I received an email from GMHC today......

Why do You walk?

It took me a while to put the words on paper but the thoughts gathered in my head in seconds…

I walk because both of my parents died and they were both HIV positive

I walk because I lost an Uncle who died and he was HIV positive

I walk because there is a person in my life who is like a mother to me that lives with HIV

I walk because Black & Hispanic women have the largest percentage of HIV in America

I walk because I have a daughter

I walk because I have a son

I walk for those who died not even knowing they had the disease

I walk for the kids who parents died as they live with the disease

I walk for the activist who continues to spread the word in our communities

I walk for the doctor who volunteered to open the free clinic and provide free testing

I walk for me

I walk for you

I walk

Aids Walk New York 2011
All the answers to you questions right here

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