About Me

A Woman of Dignity & Grace

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pain in My Eye

Yesterday I had this pain in my eye
It was an excruciating pain that almost drove me to the emergency room
It was like a tiny pointy pin magnetic in my eye pulling it shut
I walked home with one eye open and the other shut (I would have loved to be a passerby to see that one)
I took out my lens, flushed it and made a homemade patch
Didn’t want to use a vacation day to visit the doctor
Today I went to work
And the eye wasn’t so bad nor was my day

I called my doctor to find out who would see me and everyone I spoke to on the phone was very helpful. I was present during the conversations and I didn’t cut them off while they were speaking. I listened with my ears and my mind meaning (I needed answers). I didn’t allow my mind to think about what I am going to eat for lunch or what if I there are no available appointments (like we tend to do). I received the services I expected and everything went perfect.

On my way to the doctor is began to rain and I asked a total stranger if I can get under their umbrella just for a few blocks and again- I thought this through in a positive manner before I asked and it happened. I am a firm believer that if you think the way you want is to happen then it will. I also believe when you fill your mind with negative thoughts they multiply and it can bring a negative actions.
I am working on this every day. We say we don’t want something to happen but we give it all our energy and at times more energy than the things we want in our lives. We have got to change our thinking patterns. This is not to say that negative thoughts will never happen but when they do just be aware of it and how it makes you feel and try changing it to a positive thought. You will find that more positive brings on more positive.

Oh my eye it’s much better just have to stop wearing my contact lens for a while to give my eye more oxygen.

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