About Me

A Woman of Dignity & Grace

Monday, October 20, 2008

An Honest Bapesta Buyer-Thanks!

I sell on EBay and My Honey just gave me 20 pairs of Bapestas to sell. The other day I sold a pair for $100 and the buyer contacts me a few about six days later saying he didn't receive his sneakers. The emails first were just normal questions inquiring about the delivery of the shoe. Then we both began to point the blame. He felt if his kicks didn't arrive then I should give him another pair. I felt he got them and was just trying to get me for another pair for the price of one. All of this is via email. It was Sunday evening so I suggested we talk on Tuesday since that Monday was a holiday.

All the possible scenarios replayed in my head over and over- thinking how to handle a very negative feedback since I never had one. And I refused to send another pair of kicks but I did offer him a pair a half price that he had in mind already-He declined my offer and said it's not his fault he didn't get them.

So we both thought were being played and we were pissed. Tuesday I waited to hear from him and when I checked my email he got them.

That goes to show me that:

  • some people are honest

  • dwelling on any situation doesn't help

  • sometimes you need to walk away from the situation for a moment

  • use delivery confirmations always

If he never received them should I have sent another pair? I had stopped sending delivery confirmations but began on my next shipment on Wednesday and there after.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Why No Term Limits- Why Not?

There is a huge debate in New York City at the moment because Mayor Bloomberg would like to extend term limits. Currently the serving limit is 2 terms which is equivalent to eight years in office. This is his final year and he believes he can do more for our city during these tough economical times we are faced with. Can he? Bloomberg has given the City of New York an optimistic comeback after 9/11. Look around he has built affordable housing, expanded parklands, changed the infrastructure in city agencies, launched the anti-poverty campaign, developed plans for an environmentally friendly city and co-founded the national coalition against illegal guns Let's remember the reasons we elected him again in 2005, he is proven to be very strong in business and economics.
New Yorkers feel as though their rights are being taken because they are not voting on the idea of extending the term limits. Remember it's your vote that elects who become mayor of this wonderful city.
Personally, at this point in the game I not sure if I want fresh blood in the office right now, there is just too much going on. Besides where can we hire a mayor for a $1.00 a year- I wouldn't mind waiting another 4.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What The F#&*!!!

How do you feel about the following issues? Have you voiced your opinion publicly with your peers or family? Well you should and the time is now because soon this will all be history.....

Obama for President

Crisis on Wall Street

Sarah Palin

  • 700 Billion Dollar Bailout

McCain's little arms

Yankees out of the playoffs

Joe Torre making it to the playoffs

The ads on NYC trains

Here is how I feel about all this stuff....

  • I say yes to a Obama
  • If Wall Street gets a bailout then every American should have their credit slate wiped clean
  • Sarah darn it - is no pit bull in a skirt -and I personally don't feel connected to her through her use of language- sorry Sarah
  • Again Mr. government-can I have my credit history wiped clean? If Wall St. can then so should I-But first let me charge up a few more things
  • I know he was a POW, but damn I can't stop looking at his little arms that don't move
  • Baseball is not the same-without the Yankees
  • Torre's smiling at Steinbrenner right now, but the ultimate will be the Dodgers playing the Red Sox -every Yankee fan will shed a tear or two
  • I wonder what's the cost - Most commuters just want to get from point A to point B - We just want to ride- That's it

That's how I feel about it- Now what's your thoughts?

It Can Be Worse

Have you ever thought your life was falling apart or maybe you didn't know where your next dollar was coming from, maybe you had the flu and felt like your chest was going to rip through your body, or late on your rent-again and overdrawn at the bank, your relationship ended that was going so well or had to follow up to your follow up visit at the doctor, or had an aching throbbing tooth that just wouldn’t stop.....
We can go on and on but the point is you thought it was the worst time of your life and couldn’t get any worse. Then you hear someone else's story and pain and at that point your problem sizzles and fades away. You are almost grateful that's all you have deal with.
The other day someone asked me, "How's everything?" I replied by saying I feel a little congested and my head was foggy. In the middle of me speaking he said our coworker was rushed to the hospital via helicopter this morning. I instantly felt better, really. I realized that I didn’t have anything to complain about because it really could be worse.
With that said- Let’s try to complain less and accept more because it can always be worse!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In the Heights- A Must See!!

In The Heights was awesome musical! - I guess the Tony Award and the reviews confirms it . It was a love story, filled with richness of culture with a mix of hip-hop, merengue and salsa- Which was lots of dancing and singing in streets of Washington Heights- giving us flavor from the “Heights” the home of the Irish, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Black and Dominican descendents.

All of us who lives in the inner city – especially NYC- you quickly learn how to speak basic Spanish - a bodega, que paso , cuanto es, - and you know what it means as well as some curse words. You can recite your address in for the cab driver –“Quince Ochenta Avenida Metropolitana”; pay for your coffee and paper all in Spanish and everyone is Mami y Papi.

What can you really expect Viviendo en Nueva York. I couldn’t ask for anything else.

We get our dubees at the Dominican spot- that’s open 7 days a week and comemos arroz con pollo at the Spanish spot.

The music full of life and the scene was my neighborhood.

The show was authentic and held on to the true essence of the Hispanic culture and didn’t flinch on the “Great White Way”- Definitely a must see!